Home > LM Publications > Online Courses > Standing on Top of the World
COURSE STRUCTURE The course comprises all the following: — 12 core sessions recorded in video format totalling about 12 hours, — each session is about 1 hour long, but you can stop anywhere, set a bookmark, and re-start from where you left off,
WHO IS IT FOR? This video course was filmed live from a series of three workshops over 6 days at an international congress for teachers of the Alexander Technique in Limerick, Ireland in 2015. The emphasis of the course was to take the teachers through their own experience of the material and at the same time explicitly explain the process and pedagogy of how to go about teaching it to others. Each of the three workshops was 4 hours over two days, and, while each workshop was to be on the same topic, each turned out to be different enough in content, in where the questions lead us, and how it all was explained that it made sense to include all three workshops in this course. For those who want to learn to apply this material to their own lives and especially to learn to teach it their students or clients, being able to go over it three times is a big advantage in understanding Of course, it will be incredibly relevant to any Alexander Technique teacher, trainee, or student. But, since we all live and work in relation to gravity and the planet it is equally relevant for anyone — why not make it a friendly and cooperative relationship rather than one of struggle and effort? The course is especially valuable for actors, dancers, musicians, athletes, as well as teachers of body-work, movement, etc. For teachers, the
course is, at one and the same time, a practical way to learn this knowledge for yourself, as well as to learn how to go about teaching it to others while adapting it in your own way to your own teaching style.
The course presumes no special knowledge
of our human structure and function, though for those who already know a lot, you'll
find a new approach and practical tools to deepen your understanding
and take it right into your daily life and work. WHAT DOES IT COVER? Support and balance are the two sides of our most fundamental moment-to-moment relationship with the planet. If you are like most people, you are probably going about your daily life in an uncentered and ungrounded support without realizing it. You may not feel particularly out of support or off-balance, but you or your students may be feeling the inevitable results — a sense of weight and heaviness, the day-long effort of working "against gravity", the tension of holding yourself up or the habit of slumping to relieve the fatigue. This not only wastes enormous energy but all too often it also causes chronic and progressive damage. It is your birthright to have the poise and grace that come with balanced and supported movement. Without this, your best efforts at freedom and ease will always be undermined.
But the coordinations for poise and supported balance have
always been within you, and it is not that hard to get them
working for you again.
The course progresses through a series of deceptively simple step-by-step demonstrations in a cumulative sequence, each one giving an experience and an explanation of a fundamental principle then leading on naturally to the next step. In this way the series builds through daily life activities — standing, reaching, walking, bending,
sitting and standing up, lifting, squatting, etc. — showing how to recognize when you are supported
and when you're not, highlighting the resulting freedom and ease of operating in support and balance,
as well as the problems and symptoms when you are habitually out of support.
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WHAT ARE THE GOALS OF THE COURSE? This video course comprises a series of demonstrations and explanations which have been developed over the last 15 years by David Gorman to teach you, in a very practical and experiential way, the principles of support and balance and how to live them in everything you do. These simple practical demonstrations will clearly show you through your own experiences the benefits of freedom and ease this knowledge gives you. Collectively, they will also refine your ability to be in touch with your own system's signals
about your support and orientation — feedback that will become second nature in guiding you and telling
you what you need to know in order to be grounded, whole and easy,
present and free to respond each moment of your life. HOW IS THE COURSE PRESENTED? These are video recordings streamed to you via your Internet-enabled computer, tablet, etc. and played in a custom media player that you can zoom to full screen, start and stop, and jump back or forth in the session to any part of the recording. The custom media player also has the ability for you to place bookmarks at multiple points of any recorded session. You can use these to bookmark the exact spot when you stop watching one day and then use that bookmark to start up right where you left off. Or you can use bookmarks to mark material you want to return to for more study, or that you find important. You can also add comments, study notes, or questions to any bookmark, thereby creating and maintaining your own customized study program. All bookmarks and comments are automatically saved so they are there again for you when you next log-in. These notes can be marked as "Private"
(only available and visible to you), or they can be marked
as "Public" (available and visible to any other registered
participants of the course, including the teacher).
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ARE THERE WAYS I CAN INTERACT AND ASK QUESTIONS IN THIS COURSE? Yes, this built-in commenting system gives you a way to communicate with David and get his responses. Whenever you have a question while going through the recorded sessions, you can simply bookmark that place and add a public comment with your question. All these public questions will be immediately sent to David by e-mail and he will respond as soon as possible in one of two ways. Either he will respond with his own public answer which will appear in the course for you (and the other participants), or if your question seems to need a longer answer he will record an audio or video answer and post that podcast to the list of streaming sessions so you (and everyone else taking the course) can listen to it or watch it. In this way you will be part of helping the course build up a wealth of supplementary material that adds to and deepens the core sessions. Not only that but the notes, comments and
questions that you mark as public are also out there for any
of the other participants (who are, of course, equally interested
in the material as you are). Others can also respond back to
you with their own comments. In this way, all of us as a small
community can discuss things and connect with each other.
HOW LONG DO I HAVE ACCESS TO THE COURSE? The ability to stream any available session whenever you want means you can go through the course at your own pace — as fast as you can absorb each session, or take your time — whatever fits your schedule and learning style You will have access to all the recordings and other material of the whole course for a period of three calendar years from your date of registration. Even if you have finished watching all the sessions before this time is up, you will still be able to log-in and review any previous session as well as access your saved comments and notes. At any point during those three years — while
you are still registered — you can copy all your notes to your
own system for safekeeping and future reference. WHAT DOES IT COST? The full fee is US$ 295.00 for the complete interactive course with unlimited questions to David (a per-session rate of just over US$ 25). Student Discount: US$ 205.00 – a 30% discount for students in full-time study. This discounted cost for students is for the whole interactive course (a per-session rate of just about US$ 17) and gives access to everything immediately. Congress Participant Discount: US$ 95.00 – a 66% discount for anyone who attended one of David Gorman's "Continuous Learning" workshops at the August 2015 AT Congress in Limerick Ireland where this course was filmed. This discounted cost for workshop participants is for the whole interactive course (a per-session rate of just under US$ 8) and gives you access to everything immediately. To claim this discount you must be on the registration list for one of David Gorman's Congress workshops. Concessions are also available — contact David by e-mail: .
When you register and make your payment you will receive an e-mail with full instructions including a username and password which allows you to log-in to the LearningMethods Courses site at any time and access the recordings you have subscribed to plus all your created bookmarks and study notes. You can log-in from any Internet-enabled
device — a computer, a tablet, or even a smartphone — at any time
from any place. GOT ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE COURSE? Please feel free to contact David by e-mail ( ) if you have questions at all about the course or how it works.
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Gorman has become widely known for his innovative and
unique approach to making our human functioning understandable,
relevant, and fascinating. In 1980 he published a 600-page illustrated
text on human structure and function called
The Body Moveable, now
in its 6th edition including a new colour version, and in 1997
a collection of articles and essays,
Looking At Ourselves. He teaches private workshops, at conservatories and for conferences as well as training teachers in the LearningMethods work. The work is now being integrated into the curriculum of many universities, and performance schools in Europe and North America. DAVID GORMAN
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